The ER3XR is the single-drive in-ear monitor with the highest sensitivity. IEM shells are made of anodized aluminum, CNC machined with extremely tight tolerances. Using a single Balanced Armature (BA) drive allows for a highly accurate IEM without the complexity of a crossover and helps keep the aluminum body small and sleek. It includes a user-replaceable cable. Etymotik IEMs are world famous for their category-leading passive insulation, which provides attenuation of 35-42 dB (depending on the earplug used and the depth of insertion). For comparison, most individual IEMs have approx. 25-28dB attenuation, and foam earplugs dampen up to 32dB. The ER3XR is ideal for audiophiles and consumers looking for a universal solution that is looking for an easy-to-fold in-ear monitor that offers accurate sound reproduction with more bass than the neutral ER3SE.
Which ER3 suits you?
All ER3 models, the ER3SE and ER3XR, use the same high-sensitivity, low-impedance Balanced Armature (BA) drivers. This means that no amplifier is needed to properly drive the ER3 IAMs. The only difference between the 2 models is the tuning of lower (bass) frequencies. "Studio Edition" ER3SE is tuned to a flat frequency response. The "eXtended Response" ER3XR is tuned for high energy with pronounced bass, 1-2 dB for mid-depths and 3-4 dB for bass. The other frequencies are practically the same as the ER3SE. ER3SE is a great choice for budget-friendly audio creators and musicians who require precise and neutral sound reproduction. ER3SE is also the right IEM for pro consumers who prefer to listen to their music exactly as it was recorded. ER3XR is preferred by those who enjoy the presence and body of extra bass when listening to their music. The extra bass is present tastefully, without turning the ER3XR into a bass-powered IEM.
Frequency response graphs and Etymotic's target:
The Etymotic target frequency response graph depicts a "perceptibly flat" frequency response. Our goal is to form a flat frequency response curve when the notes hit the eardrum. To achieve this, we have to reckon with the resonance inside the average auditory canal, since IEMs bypass the structure of the outer ear. As a result, a higher SPL is needed in the 2-5k region (lower high notes) to compensate for said resonance. This is the reason for the "hump" in that region. The target curve used by Etymotic to tune IEMs is slightly different from the Harmon preference curve. It was developed in-house more than 20 years ago, using our expertise and acoustic research on human hearing.
Precise earphone reproduction
When in-ear monitors are tuned to accurately reproduce a recording of a live performance, our goal is to ensure that the sound that hits the eardrums is the same as that of the original performance. To achieve this, it is necessary to take into account the acoustic properties of the ear. The acoustic resonance and horn effects of the ear turn the flat sound signal (2700 Hz) entering the open ear into sound with high-frequency lifting, which is the same. typical eardrum response. This is the reason for the "hump" on the frequency transfer graph, which ensures that the eardrum perceives a perfectly flat frequency response at all frequencies.
*All kits include ER3XR earphones*
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