With a closed-back design, the HP1000 features isolating earcups that provide excellent noise isolation.
The HP1000's large 53mm drivers deliver precise and balanced hi-fi sound. The HP1000 was developed for audiophiles and offers the perfect balance between performance and finesse for the perfect listening experience with its high resolution, large sound field, and excellent frequency response.
The cable connector is coated with antioxidant gold and features a unique 6-lamp connector for a stronger connection and more stable signal transmission. It also effectively eliminates current noise.
Aluminium mechanics were used to reinforce the headband. The matte UV-resistant coating is scratch-resistant and ensures high reliability and long life.
Compatible with all devices with a 3.5mm socket (including Android and iOS smartphones, tablets and media players; (devices without a 3.5mm socket such as iPhone 7, 8, 10 and Pixel require 2 adapters). 6.3mm adapter included.
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