The compact Shanling M3 Ultra is the successor to the popular M3X, with major upgrades and new features for the best portable music listening experience. The Android 10-based, 8-core Snapdragon 665, high-definition music player uses a pair of ES9219C DAC (digital-to-analogue converter) chips, while the amplifier uses two independent RT6863 chips for accurate, dynamic and clear sound reproduction. It is also possible to transmit and receive a signal in LDAC resolution via the Bluetooth 5 connectivity. WiFi 2.4G/5G supports DLNA and Airplay protocols, so the player can be connected to a NAS, for example.
The aluminium housing features a 4.2" display and a QC3.0 18W fast-charging 3500mAh capacity battery, which guarantees up to 20.5 hours of battery life via the 3.5mm connector. With 3GB of RAM and 32GB of ROM, however the latter is expandable up to a maximum of 2TB via the on-board Micro SD card slot. In addition to the 3.5mm single-ended jack, there is also a 4.4mm balanced earphone or headphone jack.
With an ideal balance of performance and portability, the M3 Ultra is designed to provide a smooth user experience. Made in black, green and blue. The package includes a USB-A to USB-C cable, 2 screen protectors (one of which is already applied) and 2 rear protectors.
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