The Shanling ME800 is the manufacturer's hybrid earphone with two dynamic and four BA drivers. The 6mm dynamic drivers feature dual magnetized, crystallized bio-diaphragms for powerful bass, while the specially tuned BA drivers deliver detailed mid and high frequencies. The ME800 is equipped with two tone switches to customize the performance of the bass and highs. With this crossover and driver configuration, the ME800 gains entry into the ranks of high-end earphones, with precision that keeps pace with the most complex music effortlessly.
The packaged 8-core Furukawa monocrystalline copper MMCX cable connector is modular, allowing for interchangeable 3.5mm SE, 2.5mm BAL, and 4.4mm BAL ends. The skin-friendly resin earphones have an appearance reminiscent of natural materials, and due to their handcrafted design, each piece has a unique look. Thanks to its comfortable design, it does not become uncomfortable even after long music listening sessions.
Shanling's acoustic engineers aimed to ensure that the ME800 provides the same experience with every listening session, even years later. The package includes a carrying case, the MMCX cable and 2.5mm BAL, 3.5mm SE, 4.4mm BAL connectors, a 6.35mm adapter, 12 pairs of ear tips, as well as a cleaning brush.
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