Light and comfortable: Ergonomically designed earplugs with a 45-degree inclined angle provide a comfortable and secure fit, while 3 additional sets of earplugs ensure that you have the right earplug in your ear.
Coaxial, dual-dynamic drive design ensures balance between the small diameter chamber, resulting in excellent sound quality. The anthrotrophic coil arrangement at the back helps to counteract magnetic interference and maintains high sensitivity.
The antitropic coil arrangement helps maintain the consistency of the sound wave prediction of different membranes, so you can enjoy excellent sound performance.
The ergonomic earphones made of lightweight materials ensure extremely comfortable wearing. Ergonomically designed 45° oblique angle sound ports naturally correspond to the curve of the ear canals to securely fit for better noise isolation. Three silicone fittings of different sizes consist of a soft, leathery silicone material that ensures comfortable wearing during long-term listening.
The conveniently placed remote control has smart controls that allow you to control volume, song selection, and phone calls. The excellent MEMS microphone allows for crystal clear communication that eliminates a significant part of background noise.
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