Digital audio player with infrared remote control and large (4.3 inch) LCD display, capable of handling 44-384 kHz PCM WAV, APE, FLAC, MP3, DSD64, DSD128 and DSD256 formats, read from USB2 and USB3 hard disk, pendrive and SD card. With a wide range of outputs including AES/EBU, I2S, optical and coaxial SPDIF, it can be easily matched to any D/A converter.
Power on, skip to previous/next track, stop/rewind, up/down functions are available from the front panel buttons and remote control.
The ALTERA Cyclone IV chip is the core unit of the MDP-2 control panel, providing reliable high performance and fast data processing with extremely low power consumption. The total power consumption of the unit does not exceeds 10 Watts.
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