The SM1.3 provides a state-of-the-art streaming solution with a modern user interface and flagship components. A 64bit Rockchip ARM CPU, 4GB RAM, 64GB ROM and a closed Android 12 system cater to the evolving needs of modern music listeners. Its sound is based on that of Shanling's flagship portable player, the M9 Plus, with the AKM AK4499EX and AK4191 modulator DAC chip combo, plus XMOS XU316 USB interface and TPA6120 headphone amplification. Extremely detailed and powerful space, with a precise soundstage, while adding a pleasant warmth and smoothness to the classic Shanling sound. With precise volume control and the MUSES8920 acting as a preamplifier, the SM1.3 can be directly paired with power amplifiers or active speakers for a simple and high-quality 2-channel speaker setup.
The SM1.3 offers wireless connectivity. Bluetooth functionality is available, as well as NAS, DLNA and AirPlay network support via WiFi 6 (2.4G/5G). AAC, aptX HD and LDAC resolutions are available via Bluetooth 5 connectivity, and the free Eddict Player app makes it easy to control the device remotely. In addition to optical, coax and USB digital inputs and outputs, I2S HDMI, RCA, XLR, 6.35mm headphone outputs are also available, allowing the SM1.3 to be integrated into almost any audio system. It can be expanded with SSD or via USB-A connection.
The SM1.3 is built with a simple and elegant aluminium housing, has a 5.8" 1080p touchscreen display and is available in black and silver. A versatile upgrade for any music system. The device weighs 6.3kg and the package also includes a power cable with EU (TYPE-F) connector, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi antennas, USB-A to USB-C cable and remote control.
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