Topping's long-awaited A50 III model is the third generation of the A50 headphone amplifier series, featuring a premium version of the NFCA circuitry design. It offers three gain settings for perfect driving of headphones and earphones with different impedances. The distortion THD+N is below 0.00006%, and the dynamic range reaches an impressive 144 dB. The dual-channel output power reaches 3500 mW with a 32-ohm load, providing powerful headphone-driving capability. The aluminum-housed A50 III supports balanced and RCA inputs, as well as 6.35mm SE and 4.4mm balanced outputs.
Additionally, the device features a 12V Trigger input port that can be connected to other devices supporting this feature for synchronized switching. A perfect companion to the D50 III desktop DAC (digital-to-analog converter) model developed alongside it!
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