Topping MX5 is a combo amplifier, headphone amplifier and D/A converter with ESS ES9018 DAC chip. It's particularly versatile and powerful thanks to the Qualcomm QCC3031 chip, efficient XMOS XU208 USB interface, and extensive connectivity options.
Thanks to the Infineon Merus Class D power amplifier chip, MX5 delivers 2x55W of power under 4Ω load. In addition to high performance, it offers accurate and detailed sound.
MX5's headphone amplifier stage is based on a specially optimized NFCA circuit that generates very low noise and distortion. It can be used with both sensitive and high-impedance headphones, providing true-to-life sound with each.
Topping MX5 offers a wide range of connectors, which ensures high compatibility with most systems. It also has optical, coaxial and USB-B digital inputs, asymmetrical RCA and balanced 6.3mm Jack analog inputs, Bluetooth wireless connectivity that supports aptX / aptX-HD codecs. The device also includes an auto-on/off power saving function. If an input signal is detected, the amplifier turns on or off automatically when not in use for more than 10 minutes. For analog inputs, MX5 offers three sensitivity levels for precise matching.
MX5 allows you to adjust the ratio of bass to treble from -10dB to +10dB, so it can adapt to the specifics of each audio system and the user's tastes. Topping MX5 has two sensitivity levels in amplifier and headphone amplifier modes, so it can be tuned to source signals of different strengths.
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