Brainwavz offers exceptionally high-quality, uniquely designed earphones and headphones that provide a personalized listening experience at an affordable price, catering to a wide range of musical genres and styles. The popularity of the Brainwavz brand is unrivaled worldwide, primarily due to its product portfolio that offers the best quality at the best price.
A 9mm-es dinamikus meghajtóval szerelt Brainwavz XF-200 fülhallgatót úgy tervezték, hogy olyan kiegyensúlyozott hangzást nyújtson, mely a hang teljes spektrumát pontosan és tisztán szólaltatja meg. A ház kialakítása fokozza az izolációt, ezáltal nagyobb hallgatási komfortot biztosít
The Brainwavz XFit XF-200 earphones are specifically designed for sports and leisure activities with their ergonomic shape. With its crystal-clear, rich sound, the XF-200 will be a great companion for active lifestyles and sports enthusiasts, providing both quality and dynamic sound.
Thanks to the cable management behind the ear, it provides comfortable wear, great sound insulation and extremely stable fit regardless of the intensity of sports. For even greater comfort, it also comes with an extra COMPLY™ foam ear tip set.It has a 3-button remote control, which also acts as a volume control, allows you to skip music tracks, and has a pause/play button. It also easily handles phone calls thanks to the built-in microphone.
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