NEO Supernano Diaphragm (NsD) - HiFiMan has invested a lot of time and resources in creating a nano-thick membrane that allows lightning-fast response and not only impressive detail, but also extremely low distortion. Developed for HiFiMan's most acclaimed models, the technology delivers performance and musical clarity that exceed expectations at an affordable price.
Sundara is not only popular, but also great value for money in the world of flat magnet headphones. The headband's shape-of-the-head comfortable headband is perfectly paired with a subdued matte black design, while the headphones themselves feature durable aluminum components for easy yet reliable use. Its soft and porous "Pali Pad" ear cushions wick away evaporation due to the heat-insulating effect of the mamoria foam, so you won't get listened to even during long listening.
And for easy use, the cable with 3.5mm connector contributes to it. The package also includes a 6.3mm asymmetric "jack" adapter for connecting to larger amplifiers.
This makes Sundara perfect for use with either HiFiMan SuperMini or any other portable amplifier.
Frequency range: 6Hz – 75kHz
Impedance: 32 Ohm
Sensitivity: 94dB
Weight: 372g
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