The SMSL P1 is a high-end headphone amplifier with a symmetrical structure. Its output circuitry based on discrete components allows you to achieve excellent performance at a distortion level of 0.00019%, a signal-to-noise ratio of 120 dB or an output current five times higher than previous headphone amplifiers.
SMSL P1 offers easy and efficient connection. On the back panel of the unit there are 2 conventional RCA stereo inputs and 1 symmetrical XLR input. On the output side, the amplifier has a 4-pole balanced XLR output on the front panel and a conventional 6.35 mm jack output.
SMSL made sure to select only high-quality components so that the P1 could develop excellent sound performance, rich, dynamic and accurate sound reproduction.
The amplifier circuit is based on 4 AOP in a symmetrical architecture with a feedback correction circuit. Digital volume control is handled by a PGA2311U.
The power supply contains a unique Norateluk low-noise transformer, the efficiency of which is 1.3 times higher than that of a conventional transformer. 6 Siemens Epcos switch capacitor, WIMA capacitor or low noise regulator allows filtering to deliver an electrical signal characteristic of different circuits. In addition, the power supply circuit is physically separated from other circuits to limit the effect of interference.
All the circuits of SMSL P1 are integrated into a CNC machined and anodized aluminum housing. A sober, modern and robust amplifier can be easily integrated into a HiFi system or on your desk. The P1 has a compact aluminum remote control for easy remote control of the amplifier.
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