The A90 Discrete, which is an upgrade of the previous A90, comes this time with separate components. Both the headphone amplifier and the preamp include a separate NFCA amplifier that is able to drive most headphones on the market. Its carefully crafted design, which uses a wide range of high-end components, allows you to deliver rich, clean and transparent sound.
The Topping A90 Discrete features an embedded feedback composite amplifier (NFCA) grade based on the use of separate components. Each of the four integrated separate NFCA modules uses 39 transistors in a balanced design. The optimized hybrid voltage/current feedback architecture and Ultra High Gain Feedback (UHGF) technology deliver excellent DC and AC performance. With this new design, the A90 Discrete delivers high output performance, making it easy to use with high-sensitivity and high-impedance headphones. The precisely fitting ultra-low noise transistors, which are connected simultaneously, provide extremely low noise and distortion.
The Topping A90 Discrete also offers high output voltage and electricity. The former allows the amplifier to accompany high-impedance headphones without difficulty, while the latter provides enough performance for low-sensitivity headphones.
The unit also offers two different amplification settings for a growing range of headphones: low amplification for high-sensitivity headphones, high amplification for the most demanding headphones. In combination with a noise level of only 0.2 μVrms, even the most sensitive IAEAs do not suffer from any noise.
Ground loops may arise if multiple devices are used together. Therefore, the A90 Discrete provides a GND/LIFT switch to solve the problem. In normal use, if there is no sound error, the switch can be set to GND. Otherwise, if a ground loop is detected, the switch must be set to a LIFT position.
The A90 Discrete also includes a preamplifier circuit in addition to the headphone amplifier part. In preamplifier mode, you get the same performance as in headphone amplifier mode. Single-ended 20Ω and balanced 40Ω outputs allow you to accompany many amplifiers. In addition, the two modes can be used simultaneously, and the remote control allows you to easily access each function.
The A90 Discrete is equipped with a 12V trigger, which can act as an active control (trigger output) or passive control (trigger input). This allows the A90 Discrete to be turned on and off in full sync with other 12V trigger devices in the audio system.
The Topping A90 Discrete uses an R2R volume control consisting of relays and resistances.
The A90 Discrete can be combined with the Topping EXT90, which offers the latter option to expand the connectivity of the device. By connecting the EXT90, you will have a total of four XLR and two RCA inputs.
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