Topping's latest ultra-high fidelity Class AB mono power amplifier featuring Tang-ku-la technology. The amplifier offers up to 100W @ 4 Ohms or 70W @ 8 Ohms performance, with an outstanding dynamic range, very low noise, and minimal distortion.
The simple and sleek aluminum casing houses a one-way, symmetrical XLR / 6.35mm TRS and an RCA input, along with a pair of speaker outputs. The casing's size and design match that of the E70 and E70 Velvet products, offering a perfectly compatible appearance.
The B100 mono power amplifier processes signals from the chain with enough musical clarity and drives even the most demanding speakers with sufficient power. The package includes one B100 unit. For stereo use, two B100 units are required. The package includes a power adapter and a cable with an EU plug. Available in black and silver.
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