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Introducing the U12t V2 In-Ear Monitor by 64 Audio – a true masterpiece in immersive sound and impeccable spatial imaging. This second version of the original U12t continues to deliver the legendary sound quality that has made it a favourite among multi-instrumentalists, engineers, sound monitors, and audiophiles. With clean highs that extend beautifully and a warm, engaging low-end response, the U12t offers reference-level detail that is unmatched in its class. Each ergonomic shell is meticulously machined from a solid piece of aluminium and finished with an elegant, brushed aluminium faceplate, ensuring both durability and style.
The V2 update brings a fresh new look to the U12t, featuring raised metal logos, a new shell colour and texture, and a chamfered faceplate bezel. The U12t now boasts a silver colour electroformed stainless steel faceplate chip, adding a touch of sophistication to its design. In addition to its cosmetic enhancements, the U12t V2 comes with all current apex modules and two cables terminated in 3.5mm and 4.4mm, providing versatility for different audio setups. The inclusion of the Pearl Premium Cable as standard further elevates the listening experience, offering superior sound quality and comfort. The U12t V2 is packaged in a newly designed unboxing experience, reflecting the high-end nature of this in-ear monitor. This thoughtful presentation enhances the overall experience, making it a perfect choice for professionals and audiophiles alike.
Key Features:
Experience the U12t V2 with its modernized design and superior audio performance, setting a new standard in reference in-ear monitors. Whether you're in the studio or on the go, the U12t V2 delivers an unparalleled audio experience that will satisfy even the most discerning listeners.
The U12t does it all, delivering immersive sound and impeccable spatial imaging. It's clean highs extend beautifully with a warm and engaging low-end response - just like its custom counterpart, the A12t. Offering reference-level detail, this IEM is among the best for multi-instrumentalists, engineers, sound monitors, and audiophiles. Each ergonomic shell is machined out of a solid piece of aluminum and finished with an elegant brushed aluminum faceplate.
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