Etymotic acoustic research focuses on noise-isolating in-ear earphones. ER4 MicroPro Series earbuds were the first earbuds with balanced armature technology to be recognized worldwide for the accuracy of sound and serve as a reference for all other earbuds. After more than 20 years, these reference-quality earbuds remain the most popular tool of choice for serious sound engineers, audiophiles and musicians.
World leader in sound reproduction
The new ER2 SE delivers clear, accurate sound with dynamic drivers with nbrain powers. The ER2 SE offers Etymotic's renowned isolation with various joints that provides 35dB+ noise reduction, so you can hear every detail buried in the mix without turning up the volume to compensate for ambient noise. The ER2 SE's consistent frequency response is perfect for professionals and audiophiles.
For the headset to have 100% accuracy, the live performance recording must produce exactly the same sound on the eardrum as the original performance. To achieve this, it is necessary to take into account the acoustic properties of the ear. The acoustic resonance and horn effect of the ear reproduce the audio signal (2700 Hz) received in the open ear with high-frequency amplification to the sound heard on the eardrum during normal hearing.
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