"The true universal integrated amplifier, period."
The EX-M1+ sits above the award-winning EX-M1. This is the new flagship of KINKI STUDIO's Integrated Amplifier range. It is packed with the most frequently asked features such as dimmable display, preamp output, home theater bypass. The EX-M1+ is based on the award-winning EX-M1. The positive characteristics of the EX-M1 are well preserved. Advanced microprocessor-controlled, MUSE volume control, dual 400VA transformer, quasi-monoblock amplifier stage with EXICON MOSFET lateral section, known for its ultrafast and dynamic sound response, which benefited the EX-M1+.
The EX-M1+ is equipped with the most anticipated features - Preamplifier Output and HT Bypass. Although we did it differently. The preamplifier output can be enabled/disabled using the completely redesigned remote control unit. Allows the EX-M1+ to be used only as a preamplifier, or can be used as an integrated amplifier where the preamplifier output to the subwoofer or it can be connected to our EX-B7 monoblocks when dual amplifying the speakers.
The same goes for HT Bypass Input. A single press of the remote control button enables the HT Bypass input. The preamplifier stage is eliminated and the EX-M1+ acts as a power amplifier.
The power amplifier circuit is mounted directly on a large, custom-made, gold anodized heatsink. The power stage is equipped with two pairs of EXICON MOSFETs of class AB.
On the left and right sides of the case there are two identical power stage modules that give impeccable power to the two channels: 215 watts for 4-8 ohms.
High attenuation factor unleashes the full potential of speaker audio performance. The EX-M1+ employs a high-performance rail design, providing fast and high-recovery DC power to the power stage. Ultra-high revs and DC coupling (no capacitor in the signal path) resulted in exceptionally excellent acousticity - neutral, transparency, details, dynamic and ultra
transient response.
The display can now be dimmed, turned off completely.
Internal wiring has also been improved with pure OCC copper and professional gold plated high current connector for line stage input signal and transformer primary stage.
Neutrality and musicality were the goals to be achieved. Rich tone, vivid soundscape, details, high resolution and dynamics. The selection of parts, design and tuning do just that.
This is the note of Kinki Studio Gears.
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