Lotoo has officially released its PAW 1 professional recorder. This product is small-sized, powered by 2×AA batteries, and can also be equipped with a large-sized microphone. This product has a compact body weighing only 87.2 g, and on the back of the case there is a 1/4 screw that can be easily mounted on cameras, recording stands, monopods and other equipment.
Usable for professional interviews, video recordings, Vlog recordings, live streaming and other purposes. In terms of product parameters, it has a built-in Texas Instruments (TI) high-performance professional DAC decoder chip.
The recorder offers the ideal performance with the optional LM-180A external microphone that supports 96 kHz 24-bit stereo recording. With the built-in microphone of the device, 24-bit mono sound of 48 kHz can be recorded. As for playback, it supports 192KHz 24-bit PCM and DSD 128 decoding.
In addition, the product has built-in Lotoo proprietary PMEQ/ATE sound effects. Lotoo's recorder can be controlled with a mobile app, giving you full control over the recording and playback parameters.
The recording mode provides professional features such as pre-recording, AGC, VOR, variable speed and constant tone, as well as point marking.
The HiFi playback feature supports displaying, collecting, and creating playlists. In addition, the product has low noise reduction and AI smart noise reduction features. It provides three levels of noise reduction modes to ensure the recording effect and reduce the difficulty of post-processing.
In terms of recording scenes, the product offers multiple meeting/professional interview/location/live/classroom/music recording/natural recording/blog/professional recording modes.
The Lotoo PAW 1 product has a USB-C interface that can act as an external USB microphone and supports Windows, Apple computers, Android and other devices without the need to install drivers.
To ensure that the recording process is not disturbed, Lotoo PAW 1 has specially customized a mute button. The inside of the fuselage has a special noise-reducing structure, which is integrated into a flying aluminum alloy.
The product has more than 30 hours of continuous recording/playback power and supports continuous power supply via mobile power supply or charger. After opening the battery cover, the recording file will be saved automatically to avoid data loss.
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