A reference device from the world of High-End R-2R DACs. Breaking away from the traditional D/A chip solution, the Musician Aquarius' extremely complex R-2R resistor network design delivers impressive quality, high-resolution PCM and DSD conversion with extremely low digital noise and distortion. Its advanced 32-pass digital FIR filters, rugged construction and sophisticated circuitry result in extremely dynamic, detailed and natural sound reproduction. The extremely high sample rate limit (PCM 1526 kHz, DSD 1024) makes the Pegasus converter extremely durable and versatile, with no fear of obsolescence for many years. (Power cable not included!)
Aquarius uses Musician Audio's proprietary, patented digital filters, which allow up to 16 times oversampling with 32-bit detail processing for the highest possible level of dynamic range and detail.
The Musician Aquarius has a wide range of connection options (I2S, AES/EBU, USB, optical and coaxial SPDIF), and is compatible with all common digital connection modes, so it can be connected to any digital source device. The unit is fully symmetrical, so it has symmetrical XLR outputs in addition to the standard RCA sockets. For maximum quality, it is recommended to use XLR connections and to avoid using XLR and RCA outputs simultaneously.
The Aquarius' high-performance control circuitry, built around an Altera Cyclone FPGA, and its associated signal shaping unit, which is made up of very low (0.005%) value-spread resistors, results in highly accurate data processing without signal distortion and a signal-to-noise ratio of 123 dB.
The Musician Aquarius top-level linear power supply is based on an oversized toroidal transformer and large buffer stages. The separate power supply for the digital and analogue circuits ensures efficient noise suppression and stable operation for a reference-quality instrument.
The pin assignment of the HDMI socket for I2S connectivity is freely configurable, allowing the Aquarius to be perfectly calibrated to any source device.
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