Shanling aims to invigorate the world of portable DAP (digital audio player) devices with the modern components and renewed exterior of the M5 Ultra digital audio player. The combination of the AKM AK4499EX + AK4191EQ chips and the XMOS XU316 USB interface ensures high resolution, and features the same perfect I/V conversion stage as the brand's portable flagship player, the M9 Plus. The TPA6120A2 amplifier chip provides up to 1070 mW output power at 32 Ohms. With a 6000mAh battery, up to 10.5 hours of operating time can be achieved depending on the output. The two-way Bluetooth 5.2 connection also supports LDAC resolution, and with WiFi 2.4/5G, it supports DLNA and Airplay protocols, allowing the player to connect to a NAS, for instance. It also natively supports the TIDAL streaming service. The M5 Ultra runs Shanling's simple and secure closed MTouch system. The player can be used as a USB DAC when connected to a computer or smartphone, and it can also process signals through Spotify, Qobuz, and other music streaming applications when used as a Bluetooth receiver.
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