The Shanling M30 Pro is the world's first modular design DAC, headphone amplifier, digital streamer, and player. The manufacturer's innovative flagship player is made up of multiple interchangeable elements, all supported by high-end components to enhance the quality of music listening.
Featuring two Asahi Kasei AK4497EQ DAC (digital-to-analog converter) chips and two Texas Instruments OPA2211 operational amplifiers contribute to excellent performance. In addition to the discreet architecture, two Korg 6P1 tube amplifier modules achieve an output power of 3800mW @ 32Ohm. Sanyo capacitors and monocrystalline copper internal wiring ensure smooth signal transmission. With a unique, closed Android 10 operating system, an octa-core Snapdragon 665 processor, 6GB RAM, and 128GB ROM, which can be expanded up to 2TB via the Micro SD card slot located under the display. Thanks to the 5" 2160x1060p tilting Sharp display, navigation is simple and intuitive. The M30 Pro uses 5 high-performance Panasonic 18650 batteries with a total capacity of 16500mAh for quiet and long-lasting operation.
Full headphone output support for unbalanced 3.5mm and 6.35mm, as well as balanced 2.5mm, 3.5mm PRO, 4.4 and 4-Pin XLR analog outputs, as well as RCA and XLR outputs. Input connections include USB-C (for data connection), USB-A (for external drives), USB-B (for DACs), Optical, Coaxial, and Ethernet options. For network playback, it is compatible with Spotify, Tidal, Qobuz, Deezer, Apple Music, Amazon Music streaming services, and can also be controlled via the free Shanling Eddict application. Bluetooth 5.0 connection is also available for playback, capable of transmitting and receiving signals in LDAC resolution.
The versatile and modern M30 Pro can be considered the evolution of music listening, designed to meet the highest demands and play a key role in any home audio system. The design of the M30 Pro is modular, meaning that the aluminum frame can accommodate six interchangeable units. The current "Pro" lineup includes the following elements: digital player control unit (Android system module), DAC module, discreet amplifier module, tube amplifier module, and battery module. The package also includes a carrying case, screwdriver, module removal tool, adhesive disc, gloves, USB-A to USB-C cable, cleaning cloth, DC power adapter, and a tilting stand.
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