Listen to the SoundMAGIC P23BT on the go with high-definition audio and perfect Bluetooth connectivity — more portable and comfortable than ever. With built-in Bluetooth 5.0 integration, you can connect to your Android or Apple smartphone, tablet, and any Bluetooth-enabled device and listen to your favorite songs in complete freedom.
SoundMAGIC P23BT is a truly portable headset with a folding headband, ideal companion for everyday activities. Soft ear pads made of faux leather with memory foam ensure comfortable wear.
Clear sound
High-definition stereo audio with wired or wireless Bluetooth 5.0, SBC and aptX HD decoding ensures your music always sounds its best. The closed rear design filters out background noise, allowing fine details to be heard more clearly – even at lower volumes.
Advanced Bluetooth 5.0
Easy activation of clear conversations and voice assistant, and stable connectivity with high-definition audio. Bluetooth 5.0 provides a solid connection that transmits high-quality audio from Android or Apple devices to P23BT headphones without breaking, with a range of up to 13 meters.
Long listening time
10 minutes charging gives you 5 hours of playtime with 400 mAh high capacity lithium battery and 54-60 hours of continuous playback on full charge. A staggering 50 days of standby time means you don't have to worry about running out of battery.
Wherever you go to make the P23BT a real portable headset, the headband has a folding mechanism, making it ideal to take with you without taking up much space in your bag or backpack.
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