The Topping DX3Pro+ is an evolution of the excellent DX3Pro, a superb compact DAC that offers both headphone amplification and preamplification. Thanks to the ESS ES9038Q2M DAC chip and the XMOS XU208 USB interface, it delivers precise and lively sound. It also features a built-in Bluetooth receiver for convenient and convenient wireless listening from a smartphone, tablet or other remote device.
The DX3Pro+'s Bluetooth 5.0 reception is powered by the Qualcomm-designed QCC5125 chip. The device is Hi-Res Wireless certified thanks to its high quality transmission codecs such as aptX, aptX LL, aptX HD and LDAC. To achieve even better performance, the Bluetooth receiver is directly connected to the ESS ES9038Q2M DAC chip, which decodes the audio stream.
To achieve even better performance, this Bluetooth input is directly connected to the ES9038Q2M DAC to decode the audio stream.
The DX3Pro+ digital-to-analogue conversion unit is based on the ESS ES9038Q2M DAC chip, which offers excellent performance and the benefits of proprietary optimisation, e.g. operating at 0.00015% distortion.
In addition to the advanced DAC chip, the DX3Pro+ second generation XMOS XU208 includes an 8-core USB interface for processing data transmitted via the USB input, allowing the handling of high-resolution audio streams up to 768 kHz/32bit PCM and DSD512 resolution, and full compatibility with Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS or Android operating systems.
The DX3Pro+ benefits from Topping's new NFCA circuitry, optimised specifically for this model, which enables extremely low noise and distortion. The technology also allows the DX3Pro+ to be used with high-sensitivity and high-impedance headphones.
To ensure compatibility with the wide range of headphones available on the market, the DX3Pro+ features a two-stage gain ratio: 6 dB at low gain and 19 dB at high gain.
The DX3Pro+ offers no less than four modes for different applications:
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