(V1 below)
Introducing the U18t V2 In-Ear Monitor by 64 Audio – the pinnacle of audio excellence. This second version of the original U18t continues to push the boundaries of what a reference monitor can achieve. With an astounding 18 balanced armature drivers per ear, the U18t delivers unparalleled detail, extension, and clarity across all frequencies, complemented by a powerful low-end and extended sub-bass. Ideal for critical listeners in engineering, monitoring, mixing, and audiophiles, the U18t is a top choice for those seeking the ultimate audio experience.
Key Features:
Experience the legendary sound of the U18t V2 with its modernized design and superior audio performance. Perfect for professionals and audiophiles alike, the U18t V2 sets a new standard in reference in-ear monitors.
With an incredible 18 balanced armature drivers per ear, the U18t is our top-of-the-range reference ear monitor. This industry-leading design pushes the boundaries of reference monitors with incredible detail, extension and unparalleled clarity at all frequencies, with powerful bass and extended bass - just like its unique counterpart, the A18t. The A18t is favoured by critical listeners in design, monitoring and mixing, as well as audiophiles. Each ergonomic shell is made from solid aluminium and features a stylish brass patina inlay on the front panel.
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