Inspired by the iconic shape of vinyl discs, the Buttons Air Hex is not only stylish, but also durable, premium real real wireless earbuds. Founded by innovator Will.I.Am musician, is a Hollywood-based technology company whose mission is to create technological success products that leave their mark on pop culture.
With more than 6 hours of battery life and 120 hours of standby time, buttons allow you to be connected all day long. Thanks to precise design, it fits safely into your ear, so you're always ready to listen to your playlist, make phone calls, and talk to Siri.
The BUTTONS Bluetooth headphones 11mm drive give you clear and immersive audio quality. You can pair and play your music on your smartphone via Bluetooth and listen to your playlist from your favorite Stream channels without the inconvenience of cables.
The BUTTONS Bluetooth earbuds have small, medium and large interchangeable earpieces for more comfortable wear. Use a one-piece earpiece for casual listening, or use two-piece inserts to eliminate ambient noise.
BUTTONS headsets with microphones and built-in remote controls allow you to receive calls, control music playback, adjust device pairing, adjust volume, or quickly access voice commands without receiving your phone's hands.
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