Denafrips Terminator 15th Anniversary Edition DAC
A High-End Marvel for Audiophiles
Digital/Analog Isolation
The Denafrips Terminator 15th Anniversary Edition DAC is engineered with complete isolation between the Digital Processing Board and R-2R ladder network arrays. This innovative design, physically linked by the OCXO module, minimizes noise and significantly enhances the signal-to-noise ratio, ensuring a pristine audio experience.
Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXO)
The Terminator 15th boasts ultra-low phase noise and exceptional accuracy, thanks to its oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXO). These OCXOs are housed in a robust metal casing and powered by a specially designed, shielded power supply, providing optimal stability and performance.
High Precision OCXO Clock-Out
Designed for audiophiles seeking unparalleled accuracy, the Terminator 15th features a high-precision OCXO clock-out. This component synchronizes with various audio frequencies, supporting:
Experience unmatched synchronization and precision in your audio setup with the Terminator 15th.
The Foundation of Superior Sound
The dedicated linear power supply unit of the Terminator 15th is encased in a robust 1.5mm thick metal alloy enclosure, providing enhanced EMI/EMF shielding. This innovative box-within-box design eliminates issues associated with dual box solutions, showcasing Denafrips’ meticulous attention to detail.
Premium Components
The Terminator 15th is equipped with dual O-Core transformers for the digital and analogue sections, ultra-low ESR, long endurance reservoir capacitors, and a multi-stage super linear power supply. These components ensure ultra-precise, low ripple power delivery, redefining elegance and performance.
High-Quality Construction
Crafted from high-quality brushed aluminium, the Terminator 15th features a classic and elegant appearance. Its sophisticated design, incorporating high-purity gold, silver, and copper alloy, along with dual O-core AC transformers, ensures clean power and isolated digital/analogue sections to reduce noise.
Adaptive FIFO Buffer Reclocking
The Terminator 15th employs adaptive FIFO buffer re-clocking to minimize jitter, ensuring precise digital-to-analogue conversion. This feature sets a new benchmark for Denafrips’ flagship DAC, making it an essential component for any high-end audio setup.
Integrate the Denafrips Terminator 15th Anniversary Edition DAC into your audio system and experience the pinnacle of audio fidelity and craftsmanship.
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