The ONIX Mystic XP1 is a portable high-end DAC (digital-to-analog converter) and amplifier with top-quality components. It features a pair of flagship AKM AK4499EX DAC chips, an AK4191 modulator, Muses 8920 circuitry for line output and pre-amplification, and TPA6120A2 for fully balanced headphone amplification. For use via USB, it is equipped with an XMOS XU316 processor, and for wireless use, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity is available with LDAC, aptX HD, and AAC support.
In addition to the Mystic's 3.5mm SE, SPDIF Coax, and optical inputs, and 3.5mm SE, 6.35mm SE, and 4.4mm BAL headphone outputs, USB-C (DAC), USB-C (charging), and 12V DC connections can also be found. When used as a desktop device, with the help of a separately purchasable DC cable, it is possible to achieve up to 2360 mW @ 32 Ohms of output power through the balanced output with 0.0005% distortion.
The larger sibling model, designed in the style of the Miracle stack system, offers a device with an elegant black CNC-machined aluminum casing, complemented by a gold-plated volume knob and an OLED display. Inside, a 7000 mAh battery provides up to 10 hours of continuous music playback. With the XP1 MicroSDXC (expandable up to 1TB) card slot or via Shanling's own freely downloadable Eddict Player Android/iOS application, the largest high-resolution audio libraries become instantly browsable.
With new generation components and high-resolution, natural sound, we get a perfectly optimized device that will impress every music lover using demanding headphones. The device weighs 583g. The package includes a USB-A, a USB-C, and a 3.5mm - RCA cable as well.
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