The SMSL RAW-MDA1 is the first in a new series of DACs (digital-to-analogue converters) and headphone amplifiers. Together with the dual ES9039Q2M chip, six OPA1612A operational amplifiers and the XMOS XU316 USB interface, it delivers impressive performance, with clean and noise-free, yet powerful sound with low distortion. USB-C, SPDIF COAX, Optical Toslink inputs, 4.4mm and 6.35mm headphone outputs, RCA and balanced XLR outputs are also available. A built-in dedicated clock processing circuit is provided to eliminate ultra-low jitter problems and ensure smooth signal processing.
Thanks to the independent amplification, up to 2.5W of power can be enjoyed via the balanced headphone output, perfectly coupled with the decoding of high-resolution audio signals up to PCM 32bit 768kHz and DSD512 signals with full MQA and MQA-CD support. The latter can be fully exploited even when paired with an MQA-CD player for true studio quality sound. Via Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity, it supports AptX HD and LDAC codecs. With the USB1.1 and USB2.0 dual USB mode, it's compatible with most devices, even the latest video game consoles.
The RAW-MDA1, the "Mini DAc" of the RAW series, will definitely be a powerful addition to any home system. The package also includes an RC-8C remote control.
Thanks to the XU-316 chip, true PCM 32bit 768kHz and native DSD512 resolution is available via USB.
For use with PlayStation 4 and Playstation 5 or Nintendo Switch video game consoles, you can set USB1.1 and USB2.0 modes from within the menu, providing ideal audio signal transfer between devices. USB2.0 mode may require driver installation.
Two of ESS's high-end ES9039Q2M chips and six of its high-quality OPA1612A operational amplifiers are built-in. The third-generation XU-316 chip is responsible for high-resolution music, a special clock generator results in low jitter, and the built-in proprietary power supplies produce low noise. HiFi components for HiFi sound.
It features a tempered glass, high-resolution colour display on the front and high-quality gold-plated input and output connectors on the back. The RAW-MDA1 comes with an RC-8C remote control.
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