Despite its retro appearance, the Shanling CA80 is a modern, premium CD player with a built-in integrated amplifier that can easily drive speakers with up to 100W@4Ω and 50W@8Ω power. The CD80 sibling model is made without integrated amplification. The CA80 features digital optical SPDIF output, analog RCA, and 3.5mm single-ended output options. It is built with an ES9219MQ DAC chip that ensures decoding of impressive, high-resolution audio signals. Users are greeted with premium sound quality, clear soundstage, low distortion, and purity. The high-quality Philips CD drive and Sanyo HD860 laser technology provide seamless performance, and the Ingenic X1000 chipset ensures efficient, high-resolution audio signal processing. The Shanling CA80 CD player also supports USB drive and wireless Bluetooth 5.0 connection with high-resolution LDAC transmission protocol. With USB drive support, the CA80 can handle high-resolution PCM 32Bit/384kHz, DSD256 audio signals, and decode MQA-CDs.
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