<span class="ui-provider en bbr bbs bbt bbu bbv bbw bbx bby bbz bca bcb bcc bcd bce bcf bcg bcg bck bcl bci bcj bck bcl bcm bcn bcp bcq bcr bcs bct bcu bcv bcw bcx bcy" dir="ltr">Topping D70 Pro OCTO uses 8x CS43198 DAC chips and XMOS' latest XU316 chip for THD+N<0.00007% minimal distortion. The high-performance DAC (digital-to-analog converter) features USB, optical, coaxial, Bluetooth 5.1 input and RCA+balanced XLR output. The D70 Pro OCTO is a worthy companion to the A70 Pro, and together they can meet almost any requirement, whether listening with headphones or speakers. Topping introduces its first all-color 2" display and Aurora's UI system, making music control faster and more efficient. A remote control is also included.
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