Not just another quality building game
Not just for robotics!
The uKit series of creative, block-based programmable kits give our children the perfect combination of education and fun. With a variety of plastic parts, programmable modules and educational materials, they introduce your child to robotics. And with the emergence of artificial intelligence and its pioneering applications, there is a need for an educational kit that teaches the applications, architecture, benefits and programming of artificial intelligence in a fun, yet understandable and structured way. This is how the uKit AI series was born, specialising in teaching children about artificial intelligence.
New technology, new control
Programming and deploying an artificial intelligence requires a higher computational capacity than simpler robotic concepts. In addition, it is important to provide children with information that is easy for them to understand, to make learning as enjoyable as possible.
So the control unit, the most important part of the package, has also received these improvements. Thanks to dual microphone placement, high-quality speakers and a built-in Wifi module, it can not only be used to run AI-based programs, but also implement IoT and AIoT functions.
The old DC charger cable has been replaced by a new USB-C type cable, which can be used not only for charging, but also for uploading and downloading data or programs. This means that programming is not only possible via Bluetooth or Wifi.
While retaining its classic 3Pin ports, it also has a 7PIN and a 3PIN Switch port for connecting programmable units.
Its lithium ion battery is removable from the controller, making it easy to replace in case of failure.
Tools for learning
All uKit series packages include programmable modules that are tools for robotics and artificial intelligence applications. The packages include various sensors and actuators. Each package contains different modules, which can be found in the package contents.
- Infrared sensor
- Voice sensor
- Light sensor
- Temperature and Humidity sensor
- Touch sensor
- Servo motor
- DC motor
- LED light
- 2.4 inch LCD screen
In addition to these, hundreds of interlocking plastic building blocks are included in each kit to form the skeleton of the robots.
Interactive education with a scientific and systematic curriculum
Each kit is part of a systematic curriculum that introduces enthusiastic students to all aspects of AI applications. The teaching materials consist of sequential lessons, each of which includes a buildable robot concept. The lessons are based on a concept, each of which includes a robot and all related concepts and background information. Children are not just given the dry lexical knowledge, but they build the robot themselves and program it using the material taught in the lesson.
Through task-based learning processes that inspire creativity and problem solving, all students can experience the world of robotics and engineering.
All this with the help of the internet
As technology advances, we need fewer and fewer platforms to visit and use to create our software and learn. The uKit AI series is part of this approach, with instruction manuals, robot assembly instructions, and tutorials all digitally contained in packages. Through a single web-based application, we are able to view the assembly instructions for pre-designed robots, program the control unit, and apply the teaching materials!
In addition, the assembly instructions on the interface are not only in digital format, but are built from 3D models and the steps are accompanied by animations, so that the sequence of assembling dozens of tiny plastic elements is not a problem for children, for whom the use and mastery of modern technology has become a routine task.
All of this can be done using UBTech's proprietary web-based programming interface, UCode
Hetedik szint – Varázslatos Világ
A hetedik szint a uKit AI szériában haladó programozók számára készült, így feltételezi hogy a felhasználó rendelkezik alapvető programozási ismeretekkel, és a programozható modulok felhasználási módjai közül is hallott már példákról. A programozásra szolgáló vezérlő egység a uKit fejlesztő modul, mely a grafikus programozás helyett programozási nyelveket használ a feladatok megvalósítására. A 30 tanórányi tananyag a mesterséges intelligencia programozását alapul véve bevezeti a felhasználókat a hagyományos programozás rejtelmeibe, és alapvető koncepciókat ad át, hogy saját programjaikat is megalkothassák. A tananyagokhoz 6 előre megtervezett robot építhető, melyek képességeit az anyagokban foglalt módon lehet leprogramozni.
uKit Developer Module - For the bigger challenges
The uKit Developer Module is a microcontroller that works on the same principle as the control unit, but can be programmed using programming languages instead of graphical programming. This gives you much more freedom to implement and gives your kids a lot of experience. It is based on Arudino microcontrollers, so it can be programmed in C++ and C#, and thanks to the uCode web-based development environment, it can also be used in Python.
Package contents
- 600+ Plastic, interlocking parts
- uKit development unit
- Network Adapter
- Connecting cables
- 4* Servo motor
- 2* RGB lights
- 1*Ultrasonic distance sensor
- 1*Light sensor
- 1*Sound sensor
- 2* Infrared distance sensor
- 2* Touch sensor