Signature DJ's powerful 50mm MYLAR driver delivers bass-oriented sound without distortion at maximum volume thanks to S-Logic Plus technology. Of course, the Ultrasone Signature DJ is equipped with the patented MU-metal shielding, which reduces electromagnetic radiation by up to 98%.
This accurate bass and distortion-free sound is thanks to patented S-Logic Plus® technology. Of course, the Ultrasone Signature DJ is equipped with patented MU metal shielding that reduces electromagnetic radiation by up to 98% - a must for any health-conscious professional.
The Ultrasone Signature DJ is the first DJ headset to feature Ethiopian lambskin ear cushions. The sound isolation and exceptional wearing comfort are unmatched. One of the exceptional qualities of the Ethiopian lambskin ear cushion is its ability to absorb perspiration, which helps prevent the skin from becoming brittle or porous. The cover caps are made of tempered glass and are uniquely printed with reflective logos to highlight the exceptionality and value of DJ headphones. These Ultrasone headphones are specifically designed for work or travel. The braided PRO cable can be replaced with the included headset cable when travelling, allowing use with mobile devices anywhere. A hard carrying case protects the headphones during transport.
ULTRASONE has developed the unique S-Logic® natural surround sound and ultra low emission technologies. ULTRASONE integrates the safest listening aspects without neglecting the most advanced technologies. Taking all these aspects into account is essential for modern headphones.
S-Logic® Plus comes directly from innovations developed for the top-of-the-range headphones. This sophisticated new technology combines precision damping with micro-acoustic amplification, allowing optimal complementation of drivers and spatial parameters. Thus, the acoustically redesigned construction and fine-tuning of the new models result in the most sophisticated sound perception with a more lifelike sense of sounds and instruments.
Humans use the outer ear and auricles to understand three-dimensional space and to determine the direction and distance of sound. Instead of music information coming directly into the inner ear, S-Logic® signals are reflected from the outer ear in different directions before entering the ear canal to create a natural three-dimensional sound. S-Logic® is the only headphone system that incorporates the natural hearing sensation method. S-Logic® enhances the pleasure of listening to music. S-Logic® requires no artificial echo, no digital sound processing. Not only does S-Logic® create a natural surround sound, it also allows you to reduce the sound pressure level of the substrate by up to 40% (3-4 dB) on the eardrum. This reduces the risk of hearing loss while ensuring fatigue-free listening.
Most headphone drivers create a low-frequency magnetic field when they convert an electrical signal into an acoustic signal that we hear in the form of music. ULTRASONE has developed a special MU metal shielding called ULE (Ultra Low Emissions) to reduce this radiation by up to 98% compared to conventional headphones. This technology has passed the test of international review. ULTRASONE originally developed ULE technology for professionals, as they spend half of their lives in headphones. As consumer demand has grown, ULE health technology has been incorporated into all Ultrasone products.
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