Apple MacBook 12" (2015 edition)
As if it had the MacBook's original exterior design.
Available in black and translucent colors, with outstanding quality, tailored to the taste of the best.
Front and back cover made of highest-quality hard polycarbonate plastic that gives your MacBook complete protection from all sides.
The XtremeMac Case protects your device from shocks, water droplets, fingerprints, and scratches, all at once.
The design of the back case prevents heat build-up, thus protecting your MacBook from overheating.
The case is super easy to put on and take off, while providing full access to ports, buttons, and connectors.
The small foot on the back case keeps your MacBook stable and prevents it from slipping.
The soft and non-slip surface offers a good grip when you need to carry your MacBook and slides easily into the bag.
The MicroShield case is extremely light (just 0.23kg), which doesn't add extra burden to your Macbook, only maximum protection.
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