The D16 Taipan is a DAC (digital-to-analog converter) and A-class headphone amplifier that uses iBasso's proprietary FPGA-Master 2.0 core and incorporates 16 stacked 8E PWM-DACs, totaling 128 PWM-DACs (discrete) for 1-bit D/A conversion. The measured THD+N value exceeds 0.0001%, which is the best among current portable discrete DACs.
Built from custom resistors, capacitors, and code carried on the FPGA-Master 2, the D16 Taipan is a fully DSD-capable DAC and amplifier with a DSP approaching -174dB THD. The USB input DAC/amplifier converts CD rips, Hi-Res downloads, Spotify, Tidal, or Apple Music streams, and all standard PCM material to DSD through its 1-bit decoder before translating from digital to analog. The D16 Taipan is a perfect choice for SACD rip and DSD64 file collectors, as well as anyone looking to get the most out of flagship earphones and headphones.
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