To celebrate its 18th birthday, the manufacturer presents a worthy continuation of the DX series, the iBasso Audio DX340 1-bit DAC flagship player. Powered by an open Android 13 system, Snapdragon 665, 8GB RAM, and 256GB ROM, this player caters to the needs of demanding modern music lovers. Complemented by an FPGA-Master 2.0 next-generation precise audio system controller and the 128PWM discrete DAC (digital-analog converter) chip, the 4 ROHM BD3401 chips and 2000mW @32 Ohm maximum power per channel together contribute to a truly reliable and immensely powerful sound.
Equipped with a 6" 1080x2160 Amoled display, the high-quality silver stainless steel casing supports users in the easy replacement of the dual battery (4000mAh + 2100mAh) and the amplifier module. The player's weight is 486g.
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