Denafrips Venus 15th R-2R DAC
The Denafrips Venus 15th R-2R DAC is a pinnacle of high-fidelity audio technology, designed to deliver unparalleled sound quality and performance. Encased in a robust aluminium chassis with a split cavity design and unique shock-absorbing legs, this DAC enhances the detail and layering of sound, providing a serene and immersive listening experience. As a multifunctional Hi-Fi digital and analogue source, it features an OCXO FIFO buffer and reclocking system, direct FPGA signal processing, and optimized critical circuitry. Supporting 32-bit/192kHz DSD1024 True NOS, the Venus 15th ensures precise and high-resolution audio reproduction.
The DAC is equipped with high-precision OCXO clock-out, designed to synchronize with various audio frequencies, ensuring ultra-low phase noise and exceptional accuracy. It supports a wide range of inputs including XLR, coaxial, optical, USB, and I2S, making it highly versatile and compatible with numerous audio setups. The adaptive FIFO buffer stores digital audio data, which is then read using ultra-low phase noise OCXOs and converted to analogue signals by true balanced R-2R ladder network arrays, ensuring linearity and superior sound quality.
The Venus 15th DAC excels in delivering deeper low frequencies, increased thickness and smoothness in the midrange, and more abundant and delicate high-frequency overtones. Its sound field is wider, enhancing the surround feeling and providing a more immersive audio experience. The dual OCXOs at 45.1584 MHz and 49.152 MHz are housed in a metal casing and powered by a specially designed, shielded power supply for optimal stability.
Redefining elegance and performance, the Denafrips Venus 15th DAC is meticulously crafted from high-quality brushed aluminium, integrating seamlessly into any high-end audio setup. Its classic dimensions (380mm x 125mm x 430mm) and premium feel make it a standout component in any audiophile's collection. With rave reviews highlighting its lifelike musicality and versatile sound-stage adjustments, the Venus 15th DAC is a must-have for those seeking the ultimate in audio fidelity. Net weight: 17.75kg Gross weight: 22.55kg; Product net dimensions: 430*380*125mm; Packaging dimensions: 573*540*260mm
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