Wireless Hi-Res Audio Transmitter
Discover the ultimate in wireless audio with the Lotoo LTTP Wireless Hi-Res Audio Transmitter. This cutting-edge device features adaptive bandwidth and high-precision clock management, ensuring seamless music streaming compatibility across a wide range of devices. Enjoy high-resolution and lossless audio transmission, supporting up to 96kHz/24bit and 48kHz/24bit for pristine sound quality. The LTTP fully utilizes effective bandwidth to achieve a maximum transmission rate of 1.5Mbps, dynamically adjusting based on file format and interference for optimal performance.
Compatibility: MJÖLNIR, GT2; it will be integrated into all upcoming Lotoo products.
The media management protocol repeatedly verifies audio data during transmission, ensuring integrity and consistency, while the precision time synchronization protocol technology synchronizes the receiver's audio clock with the transmitter, eliminating the need for SRC adjustment. This ensures your audio remains true to its source.
Versatile compatibility is a hallmark of the LTTP, supporting iOS, MacOS, Android, Windows, LTOS, phones, pads, PCs, MACs, and Hi-Fi players. The plug-and-play design means no need for charging, offering immediate use right out of the box. Switch between "low latency" and "high-resolution" modes to suit your listening needs, and rest assured that the LTTP is future-ready, with support for upgrades and integration into all upcoming Lotoo products.
In the box, you'll find a Lightning connector, an Android connector, the LTTP unit, and a user manual, providing everything you need to get started. Elevate your audio experience with the Lotoo LTTP Wireless Hi-Res Audio Transmitter, where advanced technology meets unparalleled convenience.
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