The DOBOT Magician is a multifunctional precision desktop robotic arm designed for practical and advanced training.
Equipped with various end tools, it can perform diverse tasks such as 3D printing, laser engraving, writing, drawing,
and even simulating production lines. With support for secondary development via 13 expandable interfaces and over
20 programming languages, the DOBOT Magician encourages creativity and innovation, providing limitless opportunities
for educational and technical modeling purposes.
Thanks to its exceptional hardware design and versatile software, the DOBOT Magician has earned prestigious awards,
including the CES 2018 Innovation Award and the iF DESIGN AWARD 2018.
Check out compatible robot arm accessories here!
Made according to high-quality standards:
The DOBOT Magician meets international standards such as CE, RoHS, ERP, FCC, KC, PSE, TELEC, and more.
Practical experience for everyone:
The DOBOT Magician is affordable, compact, and user-friendly, allowing students to practice independently.
It significantly enhances the efficiency of teaching and learning. It can be controlled via programming, applications,
Bluetooth, WiFi, mouse, and other devices.
Development options:
With 13 I/O ports and various APIs and released protocols, the DOBOT Magician can be customized for advanced user applications.
It supports multiple programming methods such as ROS, PLC, microcontrollers, and Arduino.
Multi-robot operation:
You can control multiple DOBOT Magicians simultaneously from a single device, enabling them to collaborate effectively.
Free combination & training curriculum:
The DOBOT Magician is compatible with various add-ons like linear rails, conveyor belts, and vision kits, allowing it to adapt
to numerous training scenarios. It also offers training curricula and serves as an open platform for Industry 4.0, Automation,
PLC, and other educational programming systems.
Cost-effective robotic arm for practical training:
With a competitive price and 0.2mm repeat accuracy, the DOBOT Magician simulates real production robot applications
for a wide range of educational and technical uses.
A light, intelligent training robotic arm – An all-in-one STEAM education platform.
For more information, click here!
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