The all-rounder Svanar Wireless promises the premium quality of the wired Svanar earphones and the detail of desktop R2R amplifiers at a fraction of the price. Thanks to nanoparticle-coated topology diaphragms inspired by HiFiMan's flagship headphones and the Hymalaya chip in the manufacturer's top-of-the-range DACs (digital-to-analogue converters), you can enjoy your music in stunningly detailed 24bit/192kHz resolution, while Bluetooth connectivity supports both AAC, SBC and LDAC resolutions. Distracting external noise is suppressed by ANC and ENC microphones, while the IPX5 weatherproof design supports safe outdoor use. Designed with touch controls, these TWS earbuds have an operating time of 4-7 hours depending on listening modes and up to 28 hours with the case. The battery case can be recharged wirelessly with Qi-compatible chargers.
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