The Model Five acoustic suspension speaker is known as one of the finest and most sought-after speakers for audiophiles, both new and used. This updated version of this classic speaker features real wood veneers, cast aluminum baskets, and employs the acoustic suspension design principles made famous by founder Henry Kloss.
The KLH Model Five is available in three beautiful finishes (English walnut, West African mahogany and Nordic Noir), making it a speaker that will complement any home decor. The English Walnut comes with a beautiful Stone Wash Linen grille and the Nordic Noir version is supplied with the Medici Grey grille to magnify the rich finish of the real wood veneers. Meanwhile, our West African Mahogany finish is complemented by an Old-World Linen Grille. Want a different grid colour for your chosen finish? Don't worry - you can purchase each style of grilles separately!
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