As Shanling's first pair of headphones, the HW600 is a high-end planar-magnetic headphone featuring premium quality over-ear ear pads and an open design. The planar driver measures 110x86mm, supported by a dual acoustic chamber and a total of 14 neodymium magnets to achieve a 1.8T flux density. The result of this carefully designed structure is an optimized performance that provides a detailed sound from deep bass to delicate highs.
The elegant and robust black headphone casing is made from aerospace aluminum and stainless steel, while the asymmetrically-shaped black ear pads are made from lambskin for long-lasting comfort. The open-design housing's triangular patterned geometric design is inspired by traditional architectural solutions from bamboo.
Shanling's thorough research both within and outside its user base led to a first headphone that is tailored to meet the needs of a high-demanding audiophile audience. The HW600 will be a perfect component for most similarly premium audio systems. The package includes a 150cm (59”) long cable with a 4.4mm connector. The headphones weigh 480g.
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