Science. not fiction. | |
![]() | The future has begun!We need to prepare the next generation to live a full life in a world changed by robotization and automation. In less than 10 years, robots will replace humans in many areas of our lives, taking over human-made workflows. However, there are many professions and occupations that will be related to the management, control, or even design of robots. To do this, digital skills education should be part of the learning process, developing children's skills and everyday life. In addition to theoretical knowledge, children should also acquire the thinking skills necessary for the condition of the questions, as well as the creative skills necessary to put ideas into practice. And the results of lifelong learning must be embodied in lifelong activity. Alpha 1 EBOT is an excellent STEM educational tool and greatly helps you learn algorithmic thinking. Test customizableThanks to a gyroscope built into alpha 1E, the robot can stand up on its own after a possible fall. Thanks to its infrared sensor, it can avoid obstacles while moving, and additional sensors can be installed on the additional panel on your chest. Discover the many new features the Alpha 1E robot offers! In addition to pre-programmed yoga, kung fu, and dance moves, any movement can be taught and synchronized with speech or music. |
Other features | |
![]() | Group performanceThe optionally available transmitter can be used to control up to 1,000 Alpha 1E robots. Audio and motion synchronization is also handled. Such a performance has an extraordinary attention-grabbing power, which can be an effective element at any event, from a simple birthday party to company presentations. |
![]() | SDK programmingAlpha 1E's own software is also available for Android, iPhone, Windows, and Mac OS-based devices. The manufacturer UBTech places great emphasis on allowing users to share their developments with each other on various internet forums, and it follows the emerging needs with its developments. Programs and movements can be shared and downloaded. |
Work data | |
UBTech Alpha 1EProgrammable, educational and representational humanoid robot companion Functions
Additional technical specifications
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