The Dynabird from Oriveti's bleqk series is a 9.2mm dynamic driver in-ear monitor earphone that gets straight to the point. It offers a full bass and extended treble with a beryllium-coated dynamic driver, all in a simple and stylish CNC-milled aluminium housing.
The 2-pin interchangeable cable is fitted with a 3.5mm single-ended gold-plated input connector, providing a wide range of compatibility, whether portable amplifiers and DACs or players.
The Dynabird represents excellent power and clarity without compromise. The package includes a 2-Pin cable, a carrying case and various ear tips.
Oriveti is proud to present its bleqk, or "basic-line-exquisite quality kept" range, which is planned to be expanded to include models from entry-level upwards. The bleqk products focus on core values and symbolise the brand's commitment to offer the best possible results on the quality and performance curve.
The bleqk Dynabird, also known as the OD150, is designed to redefine music listening for real music lovers. A dynamic earphone that delivers an immersive sound despite its size.
The exclusive beryllium-coated dynamic driver has been designed by Oriveti with special attention to reproduce every nuance and detail accurately. The solid aluminium housing ensures durability while contributing to excellent acoustic properties.
Of course, great sound isn't enough to enjoy music; the enclosure itself is small and lightweight, so it's not cumbersome after prolonged wear.
Dynabird focuses on portable listening without compromise. Enjoy clear and powerful music, wherever you are in the world.
Inspired by the clean, minimalist elegance of geometric shapes, Oriveti has created a look whose carefully calculated angles and contours are not only visually appealing, but also comfortable and secure to wear in the ear.
An exclusive 9.2mm beryllium-coated dynamic driver beats.
Known for its exceptional stiffness and low weight, beryllium allows for excellent transient response and extended high frequency sound reproduction.
Double Chambers, or dual-chamber driver technology, ensures that every detail is faithfully presented, while still delivering a powerful and nuanced sound.
Achieving the best possible sound requires not only the driver technology, but also the most detailed tuning and adjustment of the speakers.
That's why Dynabird has an exclusive filter that allows the sound output to be enjoyed exactly to Oriveti's exacting standards.
Whether you prefer deep, powerful bass, rich, detailed mids or crystalline highs, the Dynabird delivers a truly dynamic and immersive listening experience.
Every note, every instrument, every vocal tone is presented with exceptional accuracy and realism, allowing you to fully appreciate the art behind your favourite tracks.
The Dynabird offers a truly immersive listening experience, characterised by its dynamic musicality, full bass response and extended treble. Whether you're enjoying your favourite tracks or exploring new musical horizons, this IEM ensures that every sound is reproduced with precision and emotion.
The Dynabird features a solid CNC machined aluminium housing, a testament to ORIVETI's commitment to premium craftsmanship. This durable and lightweight construction not only adds to the IEM's aesthetic appeal, but also contributes to its exceptional acoustic properties, providing optimal sound isolation and clarity.
It has an interchangeable cable that can be easily detached from the earphone housing. This means that the cable with 2-pin connector can be removed and replaced if necessary, providing flexibility and convenience. Users can choose different cables to go with the Dynabird depending on their preferences or individual needs.
The spherical or conical silicone ear tips are supplied in the box in several sizes, in pairs S/M/L/XL. They allow users to experiment with different sizes and shapes to find the most comfortable fitting that supports the best sound quality.
Driver: exclusive beryllium-coated 9.2mm dynamic driver
Impedance: 16 Ohms
Frequency range: 10 - 20000Hz
Sensitivity: 105+-3dB/mW, 1000Hz
Distortion: 0.08%
Connector: gold-plated 3.5mm stereo
Dynabird earphones
2-pin interchangeable cable
Carrying case
Spherical S, M, L silicone ear tips - 1 pair/size
Conical S, M, L, XL silicone ear tips - 2 pairs/size
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