The Shanling EA5 Plus is an extremely versatile streamer, DAC, amplifier, and headphone amplifier all in one. This new EA5 model delivers 2x100W @ 4Ohm output, thanks to the Danish ICEpower 100AS2 Class D speaker amplifier. The combination of a closed Android platform, the AKM AK4493EQ DAC, a 6.35mm headphone output, and a separate power supply design provides an ideal all-in-one solution for a wide range of Hi-Fi systems, with up to 8x MQA decoding. For network playback, it comes with WiFi 2.4/5G connectivity and an RJ45 Ethernet input, supporting DLNA/UPnP and AirPlay transmission protocols, allowing access to files stored on network devices, be it a computer, NAS, or smartphone via the free Eddict Player application. In addition to WiFi connectivity, the EA5 Plus features a two-way Bluetooth chip, enabling it to function as both a transmitter and receiver, making music streaming from a smartphone extremely easy with high-resolution LDAC, LHDC, and aptX HD codecs. The elegant black aluminum housing features a 4.7" IPS display on the top, and a MicroSD card reader (expandable up to 2TB) on the side panel.
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