The UBTECH Alpha Mini AI Super Assistant Accessory Kit is an accessory for the Alpha Mini that can be used on its own. However, it is essential for lessons on artificial intelligence in textbooks for Alpha Mini, so we strongly recommend buying the robot and the accessory together, as this is how you can get the full potential of the Alpha Mini.
The 15 thematic courses explore Alpha Mini's capabilities, and with them, the topics of robotics and artificial intelligence, in a series of thoughtful and sequenced lessons. The supplement is built on the UKIT ecosystem, so you'll not only learn programming, but also creative thinking and assembly processes.
The solutions to the topics covered in the courses can be implemented using graphical programming, which allows for easy learning and visualisation of the programs created.
The digital version of the programming tools and course materials can be found on UBTech's proprietary web-based programming environment, UCode. With Campus Code, you can improve your programming skills and broaden your robotics knowledge even without books and workbooks.
The curriculum we have developed is currently available for Alpha Mini. The curriculum includes learning activities such as observation, examination, research, experimentation, and rehearsal. Students can then learn to bring the robot's vision, sound, and other functional modules to life using graphical programming tools. Finally, they experience the magic of AI in programming, which arouses their interest in mastering scientific knowledge.
This tutorial supports 15 thematic courses of AI Super Assistant instructional material with a customized educational edition of the Alpha Mini and AI Super Assistant accessory kit.
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