Introducing the Denafrips ARTEMIS headphone amp, our flagship model designed from the ground up to deliver unparalleled audio performance. Equipped with cutting-edge technologies from our renowned Terminator DAC, the ARTEMIS features Smart Power Worldwide Voltage Auto Switching, a Fast Recover Ultra-Low Noise Linear Power Supply, and a Low ESR Capacitors Bank.
Key Features and Specifications:
True Balanced Design: Balanced input and output with an audiophile-grade metal-alloy shielded 4-gang 24-steps attenuator for precise volume control.
Class-A Bias: Full discrete Class-A bias with an oversized heat sink for effective heat dissipation.
Aesthetic and Sonic Harmony: Shares the same chassis width and depth as the Pontus and Venus, making it a perfect companion both aesthetically and sonically.
Best-in-Class Performance:
Designed by music lovers for music lovers, the ARTEMIS excels in reproducing complex music with density and detail. It creates a spacious soundstage with precise imaging, offering what we believe to be the best-in-class performance.
Detailed Specifications:
Analog Inputs: RCA (Input Impedance 14kΩ), XLR1, XLR2, XLR3 (Input Impedance 66kΩ)
Headphone Outputs: 6.3mm Single-Ended, XLR4 Balanced, Dual XLR3 Balanced
Maximum Output Power:
32Ω: 4W RMS
50Ω: 3.28W RMS
300Ω: 800mW RMS
600Ω: 400mW RMS
Frequency Response: 10-80kHz (-1.1dB)
THD+N: 0.00%
Output Impedance: 10Ω
S/N Ratio: 121dB A-Weighted
Dynamic Range: >112dB
AC Power Requirement: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz (Worldwide Voltage)
Power Consumption: ≤27W Operational, 0.3W Idling
Dimensions: 320 x 330 x 70 mm
Weight: 8.0 Kg
Color Options: Black/Silver
The Denafrips ARTEMIS Headphone Amplifier is the ultimate choice for music lovers seeking to elevate their listening experience. With its advanced features and robust build, the ARTEMIS ensures exceptional sound quality and reliability.
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