STAX SR-009S Electrostatic Earspeaker
Experience unparalleled audio fidelity with the STAX SR-009S, the latest top-of-the-line electrostatic earspeaker designed exclusively for use with STAX Driver Units. The SR-009S builds upon the acclaimed SR-009, incorporating advanced technologies and refined materials to deliver superior sound quality.
Technical Specifications:
- Type: Push-pull electrostatic large circular sound element, open-air type enclosure
- Frequency Response: 5 - 42,000Hz
- Electrostatic Capacitance: 110pF (including cable)
- Impedance: 145kΩ (including cable, at 10kHz)
- Sound Pressure Sensitivity: 101dB / input 100Vr.m.s. / 1kHz
- Bias Voltage: DC580V
- Cable: Silver-coated 6N (99.9999%) OFC parallel 6-strand, low-capacity special wide cable, 2.5m full length
- Weight: 583g (including cable), 441g (without cable)
- Earpads: Genuine leather (skin touching portion), high-quality artificial leather (surrounding portion)
Key Features:
- 6N Hybrid Cable: Following the SR-009, the SR-009S adopts the high-purity silver-coated 6N OFC cable, ensuring minimal signal loss and enhanced audio clarity.
- Enhanced Electrodes: The SR-009S features the second generation Multi-Layer-ElectRodes (MLER2), with smoothened electrode hole edges and gold plating to reduce air resistance and electrode vibration, resulting in pristine sound clarity.
- Solid Aluminum Chassis: The robust aluminum chassis secures the sound element, minimizing unwanted vibrations and improving sound transparency. The case thickness has been optimized for better airwave flow, enhancing sound fidelity.
- Improved Guard Mesh: The roundness of the guard mesh enhances sound resolution by reducing the influence of reflections, providing a clearer and more detailed listening experience.
STAX electrostatic headphones come with replaceable cables, but these cables are not compatible with other brands. The manufacturer advises against using other electrostatic headphones with STAX amplifiers. The manufacturer’s warranty is only valid if STAX headphones are used with STAX amplifiers.
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