The premium quality of HiFiMan's Svanar top-of-the-range earphones inspired the Svanar Wireless TWS. Both channels of the Svanar Wireless Jr have AB class balanced amplification with DSP algorithm optimization for proper signal processing. The "Topology Diaphragm" nanoparticle coated diaphragm also contributes to a realistic and natural sound. ANC and ENC microphones are responsible for suppressing distracting external noise, while the IPX5 weatherproof design supports safe outdoor use. Designed with touch controls, the headphones have a battery life of up to 6-8 hours depending on listening modes (HIFI / ANC / Transparency) and up to 32 hours with the case. The internal design of the charging case also accommodates larger ear tips, so the 8 pairs of silicone L-size ear tips included in the box are guaranteed to fit.
The Svanar Wireless Jr's technology, build quality and true analogue sound deliver impressive performance even as the entry-level member of the series. The package includes the headphones, charging case and 8 pairs of ear tips.
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