Morel USUB 803: High-Fidelity Subwoofer for Superior Sound Quality
Experience the pinnacle of audio performance with the Morel USUB 803, an 8-inch three-way subwoofer designed to deliver Morel’s renowned Hi-Fi sound quality for stereo, home theatre, and high-end music rooms. This subwoofer offers a powerful bass experience, making it an ideal choice for audiophiles and home theatre enthusiasts.
Powerful Bass Experience The USUB 803 features a unique three-way woofer design, combining a single active subwoofer with dual passive radiators. This configuration provides an outstandingly powerful bass experience in a compact, sealed enclosure. The absence of a port allows the dual passive subwoofers to work together, yielding tight and powerful bass while cancelling vibrations. This small subwoofer performs on par with larger ported models, delivering increased sound quality and dynamic bass performance with minimal distortion. The 24K gold-plated terminals further ensure high-quality sound for maximum bass reproduction.
Energy Efficient with Exceptional Digital Amplifier Technology Unlike other subwoofers, the USUB 803 incorporates cutting-edge digital amplifier technology to maximize performance while generating very little heat. It is remarkably energy-efficient, consuming less than 0.5 watts in standby mode, making it one of the greenest subwoofer solutions available.
Easy Tuning for Best Performance The USUB 803 includes various controls to ensure bass performance is just as you like it, whether for a thriller movie or your favourite music. Featuring rear-mounted volume control, low pass crossover, and phase control, the USUB ensures optimal system integration. It also offers an energy-saving standby mode with an automated signal sensor that detects no input signal for about 15 minutes, turning the power back on when the signal returns.
High-Quality Enclosure The reinforced solid enclosure, made of a thick wood compound with internal bracing, provides remarkable sonic performance and insulation. The top facade features a high-tech chic appearance with a brushed black aluminium surface, adding a touch of elegance to any room.
Enhance your audio experience with the Morel USUB 803, a subwoofer that combines powerful performance with superior sound quality and modern design.
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