The Shanling M1 Plus is a modern and compact digital audio player with a lot of power. Powered by the Ingenic X2000 processor and using the MTouch system, it is extremely versatile. It offers two-way Bluetooth 5.2 and USB connectivity, as well as 3.5mm coax SPDIF output, MicroSD card reading (up to 2TB) and WiFi, DLNA/Airplay communication.
The ESS ES9069Q DAC (digital-to-analogue converter) chip is built around a pair of SGM8262 amplifiers, providing up to 660 mW @ 32 Ohms output power, making it perfect for driving most audiophile headphones. With 4.4mm balanced and 3.5mm single-ended connectors, it is compatible with all earphones and headphones on the market.
Following the design of the M5 Ultra, the M1 Plus features an aluminium housing and a tempered glass touchscreen display. The LED indicator light on the volume dial can be set to blue or green on demand. The device weighs only 116 grams.
Attention! In order to maintain the quality of transmission, Bluetooth and WiFi connections will not work at the same time!
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